Our journey began in 2003 with a few clients in the South Texas area with a need for federal funds to address HIV and substance abuse prevention needs. On October 2003 our first client was awarded an HIV Planning grant from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), and subcontracted evaluation services to our team. After a year of planning and conducting a comprehensive community needs assessment, our client was awarded a five-year HIV and substance abuse prevention grant. During our history, we have provided services to agencies across six states and the District of Columbia. Today, META Consultants provides services to over a dozen community-based organizations assisting in organizational assessment/ development, community needs assessment, conducting market analysis, program evaluation, data management, development of CQI plans, compliance, grant writing, and a variety of trainings. All services are designed to meet the specific needs of the organizations we serve and their local communities. META Consultants has experience evaluating programs funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ryan White Part B, C, D, & F, and various local city/county funds. Our moto, “Improving Communities One Program at a Time” developed in 2003, continues to guide us today in our efforts to provide our clients the data needed to improve quality of care across the prevention and treatment spectrum. Our team has an in-depth working knowledge of relevant information for each community program and are experts in quality management, evaluation, and compliance, resulting in a superior quality of work that withstands reviews and audits.

META Accomplishments & Milestones During and Post Pandemic:
Transitioned services to be provided virtually, limiting commuting time, increasing flexibility, and decreasing viral exposure among META staff and our clients.
Hired a full-time Instructional Designer who to develop client-centered trainings in response to META’s assessment findings and adapt in-person trainings too virtual platforms.
Provided over 50 professionals with social/new media training.
Developed trainings: PCC, Seeking Safety, social media, and HIV Prevention, Developing SMART Objectives, Project Towards No Drugs, Familia’s Adelante, Developing Effective Service Plans.
Successfully partnered with Cenikor in San Marcos, Special Health Resources in East Texas, PILLAR in Laredo, and CRC in Jacksonville, Florida, to complete a comprehensive community needs assessment. META developed the assessment tools and generated a Survey Monkey Link, which included a QR Bar Code that was promoted by all agencies via social media, email, etc. Over 300 assessments were completed, and the reports were successfully completed and submitted to CSAP for review.
Conducted virtual compliance chart reviews.
Continued biweekly program evaluation meetings via GoToMeeting, Zoom.
Provided data collection and intervention training virtually.
Obtained four CCBHC evaluation contracts
- Assisted CCBHC agencies obtain certification and/or approval for SAMHSA Attestation Application.
Our Current Partners:
Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation, Corpus Christi, Texas
PILLAR, Laredo, Texas
Vivent Health, Austin, Texas
Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (AAMA), Houston, Texas
Cenikor, San Marcos, Texas
Special Health Resources for Texas, Longview, Texas
C-Trilogy Longview, Texas
Bakers Places, San Francisco, California
PRC, San Francisco, California
Community Rehabilitation Center (CRC), Jacksonville, Florida
New Breed Creation, Jacksonville, Florida
Former Partners:
Farmworker Justice Fund, Washington DC
Nueces County Sherriff’s Department
The Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, Corpus Christi, Texas
COPE, Tuscon, Arizona
Valley AIDS Council, Harlingen, Texas
Migrant Health Promotion, Rio Grande, Valley
South Texas Substance Abuse Recovery Services, Corpus Christi, TX
Center for Health Policy Development, San Antonio, TX
Hope Action Care, San Antonio, TX
Charlie’s Place, Corpus Christi, TX
Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Florida
META Consultants
Contact Us
(210) 614-0200